If you have multiple accounts in different currencies with Trumia, you can easily exchange funds between these accounts using the "own to own transfer" feature. Here’s how you can do it:
- Log In: Access your Trumia Mobile App.
- Navigate to Transfers: Go to the 'Transfers' section within the app or online platform.
- Select Own to Own Transfer: Choose the option for an "own to own transfer". This feature is specifically designed for transferring funds between your accounts held in different currencies.
- Select Accounts: Choose the account you want to transfer funds from and the account you want to transfer funds to.
- Enter Amount: Specify the amount you wish to transfer.
- Authorise and Confirm Transaction: Complete any required authentication steps, such as Biometrics or a one-time password, then confirm the transaction.
- Transaction Complete: Once confirmed, the funds will be exchanged and transferred between your accounts. You should be able to see the updated balances in both accounts immediately or within a few minutes.
This feature makes it easy to manage your money across different currencies without needing to perform external transactions. If you encounter any issues or have questions about currency exchange between your accounts, please contact our customer support for assistance.